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How can poor vision affect your child this school year? It can lead to

Falling Behind: Unclear vision can make it hard for your child to see the board, read assignments, and participate actively in class. This can cause frustration and trouble keeping up with Read More

Does #myopia run in your family? If so, your child has a higher risk of developing it, too.

🚨 Early detection is key. Schedule an annual eye exam and bring up your concerns about myopia with your doctor. We offer comprehensive eye care for the whole family. Schedule an Read More

Busy summer schedule? No worries. Get your child's eyes checked from the comfort of your home.

During a virtual consultation, a doctor can assess potential myopia (nearsightedness) and discuss treatment options.  Don't wait for the school year to start. Schedule your virtual consultation today:  #BackToSchool #EyeExams #EarlyDetection #MyopiaManagement Read More

Signs of myopia in children

Does your child squint at the TV, hold books close, or complain of headaches? These could be signs of myopia (nearsightedness). Early detection is crucial because untreated myopia can: 📕 Lead to Read More

Myopia in children can progress rapidly

Did you know a child's eyes can change quickly, especially during growth spurts? Myopia (nearsightedness) can progress rapidly!  Don't wait until your child shows signs of vision changes – schedule an Read More

Myopia starts in childhood

Your kids grow older every second of the day. And a lot can change in a year, especially with their vision. Myopia starts in childhood and progressively increases into early Read More

Different Types of Dry Eye

Dry eye problems can range from mild to nearly intolerable, but any type of dry eye condition is undoubtedly irritating. To make matters worse, there are also numerous types of Read More

How to Spot Myopia in Children Early: Warning Signs and Detection Tips

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a common vision issue in children that can affect their daily activities and learning. Early detection is crucial to managing and controlling its progression. As parents, being Read More

Lifestyle Changes to Help with Dry Eyes

Dry eyes can make any day unbearable. You may have soreness that limits your ability to keep your eyes open or irritation that makes it seem like you have an Read More

Why Is It Important To Get Regular Eye Exams?

Regular eye exams play a pivotal role in maintaining optimal eye health. They don’t just determine if you need glasses or contact lenses, but they also help identify eye conditions Read More

Different Types of Dry Eye

Dry eye is a prevalent condition that can significantly impact your quality of life. It occurs when your eyes cannot produce enough tears or when tears evaporate too quickly. This Read More

Understanding Dry Eyes

Dry eyes are something that many people deal with or have experienced. The key to dealing with dry eyes, first and foremost, however, is recognizing what is causing the problem. Read More

Understanding Myopia Progression: The Role of Corrected Visual Habits

Once myopia occurs, will the degree continue to increase even if bad visual habits are corrected? Let’s explore the efficacy of correcting visual habits in mitigating its advancement. Myopia, or Read More

How Long Does My Child Need Myopia Management?

Introduction: As parents, one of the key concerns regarding our children's vision is understanding how long myopia management is necessary. We often wonder when myopia progression might come to a halt Read More

Do children and teenagers sleep habits affect their vision?

One question that frequently arises is whether sleep habits impact eye health and vision development. In this blog post, we'll explore this topic and examine the existing evidence surrounding the Read More

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